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Al Mamaas Company

Thoughts from the Founder

The idea and ambition beyond investing at an Engineering Test Laboratory was always part of the search for a unique and classified business where a person can find himself in, enjoy managing the work and setup each single detail regardless of the challenges that were experienced at the beginning. Engineering Laboratory business comes like a reward to me for the years of my study in the same field followed by years of true experience in exclusive quality engineering test services.

With the market knowledge and sense of respect for the standards, our successful business growth continued for more than ten years now. To follow the success, we keep on having staff & teams upgrade regularly, continuously updating testing equipment, maintaining all the ISO standards through accredited reputed third parties, exploring new international business demand and much more.

It blesses me whenever I receive a feedback and hear the customers mention Al Mamaas, those positive results come from the many clients we had the pleasure of working and developing a bond with over the years.

  • Mustafa Abbas Founder & Ceo
History & Achievements


About the company

Al Mamaas Company is a leading Engineering and Environmental Testing company that was founded in 2008 by professional experts who have sheer determination and enthusiasm for organizational success.

The company’s expertise in Soil investigation and building materials tests with wide range of NDT has made the corporate entity to be widely known for providing high quality services related to engineering tests for different projects.

Management Office & Lab. are located in the industrial area 15 of the Emirate of Sharjah, UAE, with a very iconic showroom that occupies a space off 300 square meters. Holding a record of 15+ years of experience in in the field, operating in a healthy investment environment with proficient professionals has enabled the company to expand the business in several northern Emirates and also in Dubai. Having an excellent team that is customer oriented, hardworking and well-trained gives us the opportunity to offer exclusive serves to our clients.

In 2014 Al Mamaas Company became a renowned business that has managed to extend its services by established and registered officially at the Ministry of Planning in Baghdad, Iraq. With a proven aptitude and unmatched Excellency in our quality of work the company was able to invest in the demanding market of the Iraq economic capital Basra city.

In 2018 the built and developed a significant and advanced Laboratory for Engineering Test was accomplished, with infrastructure on over 1000 square meters of land based in Basra city.

Our ethos for Excellency has awarded us the opportunity to be part of helping to match the standards of construction. We are an onward thinking company, who aim for safety and extend structure life.